The Show

The Great Berea Train Show, presented by the North Coast Division(Division 4) of the National Model Railroad Association, is the premier model railroad hobby show in the region. In its 50th year the show brings together 700 vendor and display tables spread over 70,000 square feet in 5 buildings.

At the show you will find new and used model trains, accessories, and supplies, railroad memorabilia and collectibles, and Historical Societies and Organizations. Many of the accessories and supplies may be used in other hobbies too!

Additionally, the show offers many operating model railroad layouts presented by local model railroad clubs and organizations. The layouts are anchored by Division 4’s own award winning Module Group, The Cleveland Sandusky & Southern Railway.

The Organization

The North Coast Division (Division 4), of the Mid-Central Region of The National Model Railroad Association a model railroad organization whose mission is dedicated to furthering the hobby of model railroading. We represent Lorain, Cuyahoga, Medina, Erie, and Huron Counties in Ohio.

The Great Berea Train Show is one platform that we provide to accomplish our mission by bringing individuals who are already involved with the hobby and those who are new to it, together with vendors, organizations, and examples of the greatest hobby in the World!

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